But my first instinct would be to try hashcat, you can use wildcards and pin the known characters there. I have a KeePassXC v4 file, and I forgot the password Seems like this guy did the same thing as you.Hashcat or Johnny is a good place to start. Monitor all your Websites, SSL Certificates, and Domains from one console and get instant. Knowing how to make it happen, that's another story. Compare hashcat VS MDCrack and see what are their differences. Cracking passwords Most modern PC can crack an 8 digit password in less than 5 minutes.You can see by the first couple of characters in the hash what type of hashing is used. Help a doctor out to bypass a 8 digit code (brute force maybe) on an ultrasound machine Find out which type of hashing is used and brute force it with Hashcat.

Guys Can I crack my password protected 7z file? How? Use Hashcat to crack the hash example: hashcat -m 1000 -a 0 hashlist.txt wordlist.txt -o found.txt -D 1,2 -O -force.Web Pentesting Learning - Beginner edition Any hash cracker like john the ripper, hashcat, etc.